Migration Synchronization allows toxiCALL® to perform dual migration between toxiCALL® 4 and 5. This enables both databases to stay current with case information, helping minimize the stress of migrating to an entirely new toxiCALL® platform. It also lets you decide when your team is ready for a full changeover to toxiCALL® 5.
As of October 2024, the Migration Synchronziation is designed to run as a desktop application. This requires the workstation/server is logged-in to allow the application to run. As we fine-tune details from client feedback, we will convert the application to run as a service and allow it to run when the workstation/server is on but not logged in.
Synchronization Options #
toxiCALL® 5 Synchronization Configuration #
By default, toxiCALL® is configured to automatically send cases to the toxiCALL® 4 database. This requires the toxiCALL® 4 database to be configured within the Database Connection for each workstation.
- Confirm the toxiCALL® 4 database connection is configured correctly.
- This is required per workstation when configuring the database connection.
- Select Program Options from the left Menu Bar.
- Confirm that “Migrate Case On Save To Old Database” has been selected.
- This is set to True by default.

Migration Tool Configuration #
After the toxiCALL® System Tables are updated and the initial migration has been performed, you are ready to turn on Migration Synchronization.

Start Synchronization #