Installation Instructions

Prerequisites to performing installation #

Planning your upgrade #

We strongly encourage all our clients to test toxiCALL® 5 to ensure the required features are available. This will help your poison center determine the best time to upgrade and give you the opportunity to provide feedback and requests during the design process. Testing can be done using data on our SQL Server. When you are ready, you can set up your own testing environment to perform testing with your own data.

Migration testing is required before upgrading your production environment. Feedback will be important as we want to ensure data are migrated properly. We also want to try and identify unique data collection methods of poison centers, such as EMR and DOB, to accommodate ways to migrate this information when possible.

Installation Options #

toxiCALL® 5 can be installed per-workstation (recommended) or per-user. The advantages are detailed below.

When setting up a temporary testing or demo environment using our demo server, we suggest using the per-user installation, as this does not require administrator rights after the .NET Desktop Runtime has been installed.

Per-workstation Installation (Recommended) #

Per-workstation installation requires administrator rights to complete the installation. This will make the toxiCALL® application available to all users on the workstation. The application will typically be stored in: C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\ToxicallWin.

Per-user Installation #

Per-user installation does not require administrator rights to complete the installation. This will make the toxiCALL® application available only to the user who installed the application. The application will typically be stored in C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\CAS\ToxicallWin.

The per-user installation type is most common for pre-release testing, where users would like to update new versions without the need to involve IT staff. This type is generally used with our demo database, so it will not impact your production environment.

Migration Tools Installation #

During the installation process, you will be given the option to install the Migration Tools. We suggest only installing these tools on one workstation as most users should not have access to the migration tools.

The Migration Tools will allow you to migrate your historical data. During testing, you will be able to migrate sections of data and then manually validate to confirm that the migration is performing as expected.

Migration testing is required before moving your production environment to toxiCALL® 5.

Performing the Installation #

This section will walk through the installation screens and provide information regarding available options.

64-bit Installation

toxiCALL® has been upgraded to a 64-bit installation. All .NET libraries installed will be for 64-bit. This also requires Windows to be a 64-bit version.

Installation Welcome Screen
Installation Setup Type Selection

Choose per-user (Only for me) or per-workstation (Everybody) installation type. As a reminder the Everybody option requires administrator rights on the workstation.

Select the “Install Migration Tools?” option if you wish to install the migration tools on the selected workstation.

Confirmation and License Agreement

Here, you can confirm the location where toxiCALL® 5 will be installed. We recommend using the default location unless your organization has specific installation rules. Also note that the installation location is different when installing per workstation.

Begin Installation
Checking for prerequisite software, like .NET Runtime
If .NET Windows Desktop Runtime is required, administrator rights will be required
Sample when installing prerequisite .NET Runtime
Sample of successful installation of .NET Runtime
Installation Complete

Error 1625: Installation is forbidden by system policy. #

The following was identified in a testing environment while performing a per-user installation.

The cause of this error appears to be related to having the necessary rights to perform the installation. To work around this error, we performed a per-workstation installation. This required administrator rights but allowed the installation to complete.

Database Configuration #

The next step will be to configure the database. Please follow this link for more details.

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