Case List Features #
Case List Appearance #

Color Theme #

View Preferences #

Window Layout Preference #

Font Size #

SPI Preferences #

Database Selection #
Set up databases for production, testing, training, etc. Choose the desired database at login.

Quick Assign, with Note from Case List #

Notes Management for Locked Case #

Case List Sort and Filter #
Change the layout by adding/removing data columns. Filter data using quick filters with sorting. Search multiple columns. Save and load the Case Layouts

Case Entry Features #
Case Entry Layout #
Complete flexibility with how cases are viewed. Open multiple cases in tabs or even as floating windows to place on another screen. Resize many elements within the screen layout. Advanced features allow the creation of your layout design by adding, removing, and relocating data collection fields.

Show/Hide Entry Labels #

Flexible Entry Modes #
Route, Clinical Effects, Therapies, and Scenarios provide multiple entry/selection modes and search filters. This ensures entry modes are optimized for both new and experienced specialists.

Micromedex Multi Product Search #

Enhanced Lab Module #

Enhanced File Support #

Survey Module Forms #
Create customized data entry fields.

Notes Redaction #

Keycuts – Note Templates #

SPI Dashboards #