Overview #
toxiCALL® 4 allows the selection of alternative date formats by selecting a different region. The default region for toxiCALL® is U.S. English; the date is presented in the format MM/DD/YYY. The following instructions will identify how to configure for a different region.
Setup Instructions #
For clients who use toxiCALL® with a data format other than U.S. English, we have special configuration options which are required for your setup. It is important that the SQL Server and workstations communicate with the same date format, otherwise unexpected problems may occur.
To utilize the feature outlined below, you need toxiCALL® version 4.7.38 or later. Please contact CAS support if you need access.
After installation is complete on the first workstation, but BEFORE you launch toxiCALL®, please perform the following steps to ensure proper functionality. These settings are only required if your toxiCALL® workstations are configured to utilize a regional setting and SQL Server default language other than “English (United States)”.
Per Workstation
These steps will need to be performed on each workstation where toxiCALL® is installed. These changes must be made before starting toxiCALL®, otherwise you will likely encounter an error or cause the license to enter Emergency Mode.
We suggest you perform the following steps on one workstation then start and test you are able to license, and perform date searches in toxiCALL®. After testing is complete you may proceed with implementing these settings on other workstations center wide.
- Open the “C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\Toxicall\Toxicall.ini” file for edits using Notepad.
- Add the following lines to the top of the file (before the “[Configuration]” header). Please note these settings must match that of the workstation configuration:
- Save the changes.
- You are now ready to launch toxiCALL®
The following is a fictitious example of a workstation where the following environment settings are in place (simulating a poison control center outside of the U.S.):
- Operating System Regional Setting: English (Canada)
- SQL Server Instance Default Language: English (United States)
- SQL Server Login Account Default Language: English
toxicall.ini File Changes #
The workstation’s “Toxicall.ini” file would have the following lines added to the top of the file:
If you would like to learn more about how the “DisplayTimeFormat” can be configured and the syntax used, please reference the following link for more information.
Format Function (Visual Basic for Applications):
Screenshot Details #
SQL Server Instance Properties – Language set to “English (United States)”

SQL Server Login Properties – Default Language set to “English”

toxiCALL® Workstation Region – Format set to “English Canada”

toxiCALL® Workstation “Toxicall.ini” file – [Language] header and related parameters added to the file