Overview #
APC Notification and Availability
The Association Board passed a motion to make both Rivastigmine and Substance Verbatim Field effective 1 Jan 2025.
NPDS Support has confirmed they are ready to receive the new data elements. The changes are currently available for toxiCALL® and can be implemented as soon as you are ready. This update has already been implemented in at least one poison center, and data has been successfully submitted to NPDS.
This document will identify the new data elements for compliance with NPDS data submission. Understanding the order of implementation is essential, as this could result in errors. The System Table release for FieldCodeValue should be performed last to ensure no errors in saving case information.
Estimated Time
The estimated time for this process is 30 minutes to an hour. The system table updates are quick. The most time-consuming process may be updating all the local databases.
Users can continue to work within toxiCALL® during this process. Once the user restarts toxiCALL®, they will receive the new system tables and can begin using the new therapy. If you are using ByPass local mode, you can delay the update of the local database.
Checklist #
- Update the Generic Codes
- Low impact, can be done anytime.
- Update AutoUpload to v1.0.15 or later
- Low impact, can be done anytime.
- Therapy Update for Rivastigmine
- Moderate impact requires an update to the local database on all workstations.
- Copy Local Database
- Moderate Impact will distribute an updated local database for each user.
- Update the System Tables
- Low impact must be achieved after step 3, Therapy Update.
Generic Codes Update #
Generic Codes ONLY
Warning: Do not update all the System Tables until instructed to do so below. Updating the FieldCodeValue and SearchViewList tables prematurely will cause errors in toxiCALL®.
One new generic code has been added, and one has been retired.
Click here for details on the generic code release. To access toxiCALL® and the discussion forums, you need a username and password.
Click here for more details in the toxiCALL® discussion forums.
Only update the Generic Codes during this step.
Updating other system tables prematurely may cause problems.
Ensure the Generic Tables indicate “Updated” status when complete.

AutoUpload v1.0.15 Update #
AutoUpload has been updated to submit the substance verbatim when transmitting data to AutoUpload. This is now a checkbox option within the AutoUpload configuration screen. This version has been in use by at least one poison center since October 2022 and is now available to all poison centers.
(not working yet) Click here for Direct Download of AutoUpload v1.0.15.
Optionally click here for the Downloads page of the toxiCALL® discussion forms. As a reminder, this page requires a forum login account.
The new Verbatim selection box must be enabled in the AutoUpload configuration Window.
Be sure to restart the AutoUpload service after making the configuration changes. Click here for instructions.

Uninstall AutoUpload? #
If the Viewer does not load, we recommend uninstalling then installing the AutoUpload software again. This should retain all of your existing settings.
Therapy Update #
NPDS has introduced a new therapy, Rivastigmine, which is easily added to toxiCALL®. We are excited to announce that toxiCALL® 4 has been designed to allow additional therapies without the need for an application update. The following steps will outline how a simple data structure and System Table Update enable toxiCALL® to capture the new therapy. It is also important to note that AutoUpload has been designed to automatically accommodate this change without needing a special version update.
toxiCALL® 5 and Therapies
toxiCALL® 5 has been designed to simplify this process even further! The data model update requirement has been removed so that Therapies, Clinical Effects, Routes, and Scenarios can be updated with only a System Table update.
To properly implement the change, a toxiCALL® supervisor will run an SQL Script against the Network database and all archive databases. The script can also be run against the local database if cases exist. Alternatively, you can copy a new ToxiLoc.mdb file, replacing your existing local database. Please rename your existing ToxiLoc.mdb file before adding the new one.
File Downloads #
Click here to download all four (4) files using Dropbox File Transfer. We have also provided some download links below. However, we are finding this are blocked at many poison centers.
As an alternative, we can also transfer the files while using a Zoom support session.
SQL Update Script #
- Update the Network Database and Archive Databases stored on a Microsoft SQL Server.
(not working yet) Click here to download the Network Database (SQL) Rivastigmine Script.
MS Access Update Script #
- Update Microsoft Access Database formats stored in an MDB file.
- Typically, your local database (ToxiLoc.mdb)
- Sometimes, archive databases are configured as an Access MDB file format.
- It is best to ensure you have updated your local database and then copy it to other workstations after the local system tables are updated. This will minimize the need to release all the system tables repeatedly.
(not working yet) Click here to download the Local Database (Access) Rivastigmine Script.
NOT in ByPass Local Mode #
SPIs can continue to manage cases on their local database.
SPIs cannot Upload or Download cases to their Local Database after the Network database has been updated.
Once a workstation’s local database has been updated, the SPI can continue to manage cases normally.
ByPass Local Mode #
If you are running Bypass Local Mode, you can update the local database later. Please note that you cannot download cases to the local database until it has been updated.

Update your Network Database #
Users cannot upload, download, move, or copy cases until the source and destination databases are updated. For example, uploading and downloading cases between the Network and Local databases require updating both the Network and Local databases.
Users can continue to work on cases locally if they are not using Bypass Local Mode. The cases can be uploaded after the local database has been updated using the MS Access Script.
If both databases are not updated, you will receive an error similar to the error on the right.

To run the update script, log into toxiCALL® with Supervisor rights and ensure all Case and Search Windows are closed.
From the Tools menu, select Data Migration–>Check for Structure Updates…

Using the 3-dot lookup, select the script file “SQL_Add_Th_Other4_Rivastigmine.sql” Next, select the Network Database or the archive database to be updated.
This step must be performed once for the Network and each Archive database.

Select Yes after confirming you want to update the correct database.
If you attempt to run the script a second time will present an error indicating the column already exists.

After the script has been completed, you will see a success message.
Other messages may indicate that you do not have the appropriate database rights to perform the change or that the database has already been updated.

Update your Local Database #
When using this script update, cases CAN remain on the local database.
Alternative Solution Options
- Update one local database and copy it to each workstation.
- Copy the provided ToxiLoc.mdb to each workstation.
- This requires the local database to have no cases downloaded.
Click here for more details on copying to other workstations.
Using the 3-dot lookup, select the script file “Access_Add_Th_Other4_Rivastigmine.sql” Next, select the Local Database or the “Access mdb” archive database to be updated.
This step must be performed for every local database.

Choose Yes to compact the database.

After the local database has been successfully updated and tested, it can be copied to other workstations to save time on distribution.
Copy your Local Database to other Workstations #
MDB Files #
The links below make the empty database files available. These files should be distributed to the application directory of all toxiCALL® workstations. Please note the additional details below for virtual environments, as each user or virtual machine will have an individual copy of the local database.
Do NOT use the ToxiLoc.mdb from this download if you have UCF (User Configurable Forms/Fields) in your database. Please update your existing Local Database, which can then be distributed to other workstations.
Download the ToxiLoc.mdb local database file for easy distribution. (Only if you do not use UCFs – User Configurable Forms/Fields)
After you have tested your local database, it may be more convenient to copy the local database ToxiLoc.mdb and ToxiBlnk.mdb files to other workstations.
The local database is typically stored in the toxiCALL® application folder, typically:
C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\Toxicall
If toxiCALL® is configured in a virtual environment, and each user has their own copy of a local database, you must update their local databases.
Virtual Environments #
If you are running toxiCALL® in a virtual environment, you must take extra care to ensure all the local databases are updated. Each user may have a local database distributed into their local file share or some other isolation method.
Virtual Environments
One indicator is if your user starts toxiCALL® using the StartToxicall.bat file.
Please reach out to support for questions and further clarification.
New Workstation Installation #
New Workstation Installation
If installing toxiCALL® on other workstations, the ToxiLoc.mdb and ToxiBlnk.mdb files in the local database must be updated.
Update System Tables #
Before Updating these System Tables
Before Proceeding, Please ensure the above database update steps have been completed. Once the system tables are updated, the databases MUST be updated for toxiCALL® to work properly.
There are two sections which require updating for this part of the process:
- FieldCodeValue
- Search View Tables
- Generic Tables (if not completed in step 1)
These updates provide details to toxiCALL® on the new therapy Rivastigmine. Once these system tables are released, all databases must be updated. Failure to update the databases using the script can result in errors when saving cases, uploading/downloading cases, or moving cases to an archive database.
Confirm the FieldCodeValue table to be updated with a version date of November 1, 2024 or later.

Double-click to change the Installed Status to Install, and click the Release button.
Click here for details on updating system tables. As shown in the screenshot above, be sure to update the FieldCodeValue system table specifically.
Testing #
The final step is to ensure you can choose the Rivastigmine Therapy within a toxiCALL® case. Please start toxiCALL®, create a new case, click on the Therapies section, and ensure the new Rivastigmine therapy is presented as shown in the image below. Ensure the case can be saved properly and there are no errors present.
Check the Case List Advanced Search Tab 7 #
- After starting toxiCALL®, load the “Case List – Advanced” display.
- Select Tab “7) Therapy”
- Scroll down to confirm that Rigastigmine is available.

Check the Therapy Entry #

Testing Download/Upload Cases #
If you are not using ByPass Local, save a case to the network and download a case from the network. This will confirm the Data Model updates are correctly in place.