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Create a new Database

This section will describe the process of setting up a new database and performing the FLEX Update(tm). This is intended for users who do no need to migrate data.

Perquisites #

toxiCALL® has been designed to create a blank database and tables when needed. This can be performed from the Database Configuration window. This will create all the necessary tables and indexes during this process.

Information Required:

  • Connection Title: which will be shown to users at login
  • Server Name: Where the database is hosted
  • Description: Optionally enter a detailed description of the database
  • Login Credentials can use Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication. For SQL Authentication the following is required:
    • User Name
    • Password
  • Tox4 Database Name (optional, if connecting to a toxiCALL® 4 database for migration and backwards data updates)
  • Tox5 Database Name

SQL Database and Log Files

If your SQL DBA requires the database and/or log file to be stored in a the non-default location, it will be necessary for the DBA to create the database first. You will then be able to select and use the database configured based on the recommendations by your DBA.

SQL Rights

In order to create the tables, the SQL Account used must have the appropriate database rights to create tables. Please ensure the SQL Login used offers the appropriate rights to create databases and tables. Your SQL Database Administrator may be able to confirm the rights provided to your login account.

General User SQL Rights

Users do not require elevated access for to SQL Server. This elevated level is only required when creating the SQL Database or installing a new version of toxiCALL® which performs updates to the database.

Creating the database #

Open the Configuration Window

If you would like to immediately open the Database Configuration windows, start toxiCALL® while holding down the SHIFT key.

After opening the configuration window you will likely see the Toxicall Demo database configuration. You can easily delete this entry and re-add it later if desired. If two or more databases are configured, this will allow users to select a secondary database for testing from the login screen. You can also use this to maintain separate production and testing environment connections.

Choose Add to create a new database entry. You can then begin adding the necessary connection information as shown in the following image:

Press Connect when finished to confirm you can properly connect to the database. Once connected, you will receive a message indicating the connection has been established.

Next, you can select an existing database from the list, or type the name of your database as shown above. Press Save when complete as there is one more step to ensuring the database is the default.

If the database does not exist, you will be asked to confirm if you want to create a new database. Choose Yes. This process takes approximately 1-minute.

Don’t wait forever

The “Creating Database” message may continue to show after the database completion is done. You may here a Ding on your computer to indicate the process is done. Simple click anywhere on the Database Selection window and you should see a dialog box indicating the Database created successfully. Click OK.

And finally, we will now set our new database as the default. Ensure your database is selected in the list of database connections and click “Save As Default.” This will move your database connection to the top of the list.

Now choose Save & Close to exit the connection Manager and you can start toxiCALL® with your new database.

The default usernames are “Admin” and “User” both without a password.

When logging onto a new database, you will be prompted to obtain a toxiCALL® License, choose Yes then click here for licensing instructions.

After applying the new license, you will be given the option to check the license again. This will allow you to gain access to toxiCALL®.

For a new database, you will be required to enter a password for the newly created login account. We suggest you immediately change the password for the “User” account as well.

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