Passwords Overview #
toxiCALL® 4 passwords are managed from the application and cannot be reset by the toxiCALL® support team. Additionally, users cannot initiate a password reset. As a result, a toxiCALL® user with the Supervisor right is required to make the change within toxiCALL® if the user doesn’t know their password.
Note: toxiCALL® 5 will allow users to perform a password reset with their email address, if configured.
Change your own password #
Users who know their password, can change their own password after logging into toxiCALL®.
- Log into toxiCALL® using your own account
- Close all Case Windows and the Search Window
- Select Tools–>Change Password…

- Enter your old password, the new password and re-enter the new password
Reminder: The password must follow the Password Rules.

Changing a Password for a user #
Passwords are managed in the SPIList section of toxiCALL®. To access the SPIList:
- Log into toxiCALL® using a Supervisor account
- Close all Case Windows and the Search Window
- Select Tools–>System Tables–>User System Tables….

- Select the line indicating “SPI List and Security Information
- Click the Show button

- Locate and Select the user who requires the password change

- Click the Open icon or double-click the user for whom you wish to make the change
- The user details are now shown where the change can be completed

In this window you can change the password, following the Password Rules.
If desired, you can also click on the “Require Password Change at Next Login.” This will require the user to change their password to ensure they confirm a password of their choosing. This also helps ensure additional security to minimize password reuse.
Password Rules #
- Must be at least 8 characters
- At least one UPPER case letter is required
- At least one LOWER case letter is required
- At least one numeric digit of 0 through 9 is required