On May 15th, 2024, NPDS updated the AutoUpload Server to a new IP address. toxiCALL® makes this change very easy, as you do not need to enter the IP address information manually. It will be a simple process of updating the “TDA Definitions” System Table, where we have configured the connection for you!
Additional Step Added
If your AutoUpload is not working, please see the section Refresh the Configuration. This section was added after the original release of this documentation.
If your TDA Definitions are not updating properly, please see the new section TDA Definitions Not Updating found below.
Start or Stop the AutoUpload Service #
The following link provides information on accessing the service details in order to properly start and stop the service. It will be necessary to stop the service prior to the NPDS cutover and then start it after you have updated the System Tables and NPDS has indicated they are ready for connections again.
Updating the System Tables #
Log into toxiCALL® 4 as a Supervisor or Configuration Manager.
Select Tools, System Tables, Toxicall System Tables
Select Yes to check for updates on the CAS Web Server
Select the table called “TDA Definitions.
Then Click “Mark” and you will see the install status change to “Install”
Now Click “Release” and the updated table will be released.
After the table has been released, you will receive a success message.
Click OK to restart Toxicall.
Refresh the Configuration #
Special Note Added
Before starting the AutoUpload server, please go to the configuration screen and re-select the NPDS Production destination.
Select the Configuration Window.

Select the Destination dropdown, then re-select the NPDS Production Option.
Click Save.
Next, start the AutoUpload Service again.
See the “Confirm” selection below to verify the new IP address is being used.

You may now Start the AutoUpload Service again. Watch to ensure AutoUpload successfully sends data to NPDS and does not present a connection error.
Confirm the new IP Address #
After the AutoUpload service has been started, you should see the new IP address for the next connection message, as shown in the image to the right.
If you do not see the correct IP address, stop the service, Select Configuration, and re-select the production destination. Now save the changes and start the service again.
This screenshot was taken before the new IP address was brought back online. Please stop your service until the new AutoUpload Server is available.

TDA Definitions Not Updating #
In some circumstances, the TDA Definitions will not update. You may notice ToxCounty update while TDA Definitions still indicates Install.
This issue is usually related to the checkboxes at the bottom for “Include Zip Codes” and/or “Include Caller Location.”
To solve the issue, uncheck one or both of the “include” checkboxes and try the release again. Once the release is complete, you can turn the checkboxes on again.