Overview #
In July 2024 we received several reports that AutoUpload will not start. Whe the service is started an error message is presented, similar to what is shown below. Based on our findings this has been the result of a corrupt configuration file for AutoUpload.
It appears the primary cause of this issue has been related to the CrowdStrike issue which affected millions of systems world-wide.

Resolution #
The easiest solution is to locate the AutoUpload configuration file which is located in the AutoUpload installation folder, typically: C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\ToxAutoUpload\appConfig.json

We recommend renaming the configuration file then re-starting the AutoUpload viewer. This should take you to the configuration screen where you can re-configure AutoUpload. By renaming the file, you will be able to complete a new configuration without the bad configuration file.
After the new configuration is in place, you will need to restart the AutoUpload Service.